Well, now that it is over, I can say it: 2018 was rough! The end of 2017 had given me such a kick in the pants that I promised myself that 2018 would be one of the best years of my life. And it was. Well, sorta.
Without going into too much detail, I think it's important to mention that these social media things can be deceiving - I had a lot of good things come my way, including several publications, a new job, a three week trip up the east coast followed by another adventure in the UK- but in my personal life, it was a struggle. Without going into too much detail, I'll just say that there were a lot of things happening that made it hard to feel good about myself and my dailiness. But if I've learned anything, it is that I am--and always will be--a fan of digging in to the hard work, and I'll take that valuable lesson with me into 2019.
Already, this year is already shaping up to be better. I have a new publication out with CONTRARY. This poem, "I Never Talk About the Blood," was probably the hardest poem I've ever written. Revising it (and I revise everything PROFUSELY) was immensely triggering, but I feel incredibly proud of how it turned out, which is a really weird thing to say about a poem I wrote about a school stabbing.
Without going into too much detail, I think it's important to mention that these social media things can be deceiving - I had a lot of good things come my way, including several publications, a new job, a three week trip up the east coast followed by another adventure in the UK- but in my personal life, it was a struggle. Without going into too much detail, I'll just say that there were a lot of things happening that made it hard to feel good about myself and my dailiness. But if I've learned anything, it is that I am--and always will be--a fan of digging in to the hard work, and I'll take that valuable lesson with me into 2019.
Already, this year is already shaping up to be better. I have a new publication out with CONTRARY. This poem, "I Never Talk About the Blood," was probably the hardest poem I've ever written. Revising it (and I revise everything PROFUSELY) was immensely triggering, but I feel incredibly proud of how it turned out, which is a really weird thing to say about a poem I wrote about a school stabbing.
AND, additionally, I JUST HEARD FROM ZONE 3. They'll be publishing my poem "Asiatic Bittersweet" in their next issue. I write this ALL IN CAPS because I friggin love ZONE 3. I've been a long time fan, and I'm so so excited to be a part of what they do.
2019, please, friend, keep the publications coming! And to Contrary and Zone 3: A huge heartfelt THANK YOU for publishing my work.
2019, please, friend, keep the publications coming! And to Contrary and Zone 3: A huge heartfelt THANK YOU for publishing my work.